Welcome to the Beyond Skin Deep eCourse. 
We're about to unlock and strengthen your self and body image from the inside out. 

We live in a time and culture where we actually have such a thing as “undergarment technology.” For those of us with a flatter backside, we can purchase appropriately padded panties to increase our curves, or if we are too “fluffy,” another that practically cuts off our circulation. Even our bras have options, like air pumps, to enhance our natural size. It’s become normal, even expected to take tissue from one part of our body and inject it into another to adjust our fullness.

We watch reality TV shows which supersize and glamorize every possible personality type, lifestyle, and talent and yet somehow, we still call it “reality.” We edit images we captured in the moment, “upgrading” the original with filters, and post them on social media to highlight our “normal life.”

It seems our culture’s goal is to present alluring images of people, particularly women, for the purpose of turning heads and eliciting responses of envy. All the while, the actual person behind most of the images is often altered or compromised in some fashion. Any surprise we struggle with our self-image or sense of worth? It boggles the mind and plays with us at our core.

Here’s the good news. We do not have to be a byproduct of our culture. In this eCourse, we will look at the current image we hold of ourselves while moving forward toward a healthier one, one that is rooted from within.

Each of the three modules contains four assignments. Ideally, the assignments are designed to be completed every other day. Insights tend to happen as we give time and space for them to develop and surface. The in between days are just as important as the written assignment days. If you are working through this course over a short period of time, take regular breaks between the assignments so that you create necessary mental and emotional space to absorb the material.

In the Bonus section, you will find two optional exercises. If you desire to dig deeper, I highly encourage you to do them. Together, these exercises can be very powerful.

Growth happens when we increase our awareness and follow it with action. Meaningful action often involves risk and the exercises offered throughout the course are designed with that in mind. Each session you will be challenged in your current way of thinking and acting. Do not overlook the opportunities for growth hidden within them. Think of it this way: the greater the risk, the greater the potential for growth. Choose now to be courageous and honest. Immerse yourself in the material. Pray for insight, peace, courage, growth, and healing.

Awareness + Action = Growth

As someone once said, there’s nothing more comforting than the words, “me too.” Draw strength knowing that other women struggle with their self and body image. You are not alone. Even more, God Invites us to cast all our anxieties onto Him. And in doing so, we are reminded that other women are doing the same exact thing all over the world in pursuit of living more free.

Your insecurities and longings are familiar to thousands of other women. Whether or not your girlfriends will admit, they too get in seasons and patterns of self scrutiny. What is less common is to find women who are willing to be honest and do something to change it!

The God who created you and formed your unique image (out of His very own) wants you to feel comfortable in your own skin. He desires for you to walk through your pain, your fears, and your insecurities in order to know your true value. He also wants you to be free from thinking it’s all up to you to figure it out. He wants you to be relieved knowing your adequacy doesn’t come from what you think about yourself, but what He thinks about you. 

And, He is with you every step of the way. So let’s get started!